This is the first and final Beta of the new BuddyPress WC Vendors.

Nearly two months ago WooCommerce 3.0 was released and many WooCommerce extensions stop working. It was a huge update with structural changes.

Many users told us about their struggles in the last two months. We were surprised about the huge number of users telling us about their frustration to build a Marketplace.


The final collection of plugins for your Premium Marketplace. Bundled and supported in one plugin

BP WC Vendors is not just an extension. It is your solution for your BuddyPress driven Marketplace. All dependencies will be installed for you and you will be guided through the complete setup.

With BuddyPress, WooCommerce, WC4BP, WC Vendor, BP WC Vendors and BuddyForms you have all the tools you need for a smooth setup.



Get 60% discount if you order within the beta week – only until 06 June 2017.


From next week, with the final release of the new BP WC Vendors we will offer a introductory special with 50% discount. You will have one month time to update and pay half of the normal price.


The introductory special will stay for one month until 06 July 2017. So make sure you grab the best discount.

But that’s not enough.


Get the lifetime version, with lifetime support and updates, normal price $299.99, now for only $95. This is the price of one year annual subscription and you pay it once and for ever!


[freemius_checkout name=”BP WC Vendors Pro” plugin_id=”416″ plan_id=”1486″ public_key=”pk_0b28a902c5241cbcb765a554c92cf” button_id=”purchase” button=”GET $95 LIFETIME DEAL NOW” button_class=”btn btn-highlight btn-xlarge”]
Again: Pay $95 instead of $299 for lifetime support and updates. This is a one-time special offer and will not come back. After the 06 July 2017 you need to pay the full price. All specials will end on this day.


Ok, how do I test the Beta?

  1. Download – You need to make sure you download the Beta from GitHub and install it like a normal plugin.
  2. Test deeply
  3. If you find an issue report it in GitHub or create a new ticket from within the plugin settings
  4. Let us know your honest feedback
  5. Info! If you use BuddyForms make sure you update BuddyForms and all extensions from GitHub too.


We hope you enjoy the new BP WC Vendors and grab your pro version today 😉 Let us know your thoughts also here in the comments. We count on you!

Your ThemeKraft Team



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