WooCommerce Subscriptions BuddyPress Integration

With WooCommerce Subscriptions BuddyPress you can integrate the popular WooCommerce Subscription Plugin with BuddyPress.
WooCommerce Subscriptions BuddyPress Integration

Enable Subscriptions with Recurring Payments for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss

WooCommerce Subscriptions BuddyPress Integration
With WooCommerce Subscriptions, you can create and manage products with recurring payments — payments that will give you residual revenue you can track and count on.


Ready-made Solutions that are easy to use and well Supported.

How to Integrate WooCommerce with BuddyPress or BuddyBoss seamlessly

How to Integrate WooCommerce with BuddyPress or BuddyBoss seamlessly

Online Business Growth Solutions for BuddyPress & BuddyBoss Shop OwnersSupercharge your WooCommerce BuddyPress ...

You will need to have

How do WooCommerce Subscriptions and BuddyPress / BuddyBoss Work together?

Can WooCommerce do subscriptions?

You need an extra plugin to manage subscriptions. Subscription-based Selling is not part of WooCommerce by default. We do recommend the official WooCommerce Subscription Plugin

What is the difference between WooCommerce memberships and subscriptions?

WooCommerce Subscriptions manage recurring subscriptions. In combination with WooCommerce Memberships, you can manage user rights and change membership leaves or group memberships if the subscriptions start or end. 

How do I set up subscriptions in WooCommerce?

Just install the WooCommerce Subscription Plugin and you will get all relevant functionality added to your WooCommerce product settings.

How does WooCommerce subscription work?

You pay access to a service for a period of time. Most Subscriptions models work on a monthly or annual plan. You will get charged automatically every month or yearly. Deopand on your Subscripütion plan. If you pay, you get access to the service like a BuddyPress Group. If you stop paying your access will get revoked.

Can I use WooCommerce SubScriptions in Groups


Affordable Pricing 

Choose the package that’s right for you.


$99.99 / year

One Site

WooCommerce Subscriptions

1 Site License

One year of support

One year of updates


$149.99 / year

5 Sites

WooCommerce Subscriptions

5 sites license

One year of support

One year of updates


$249.99 / year

Unlimited Sites

WooCommerce Subscriptions

Unlimited Sites License

One year of support

One year of updates

WooCommerce Subscriptions BuddyPress Integration

14 Days Money Back Guarantee

You are fully protected by our 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied within 14 days of purchase, you’re more than welcome to a full refund!