Easy Google Fonts For WordPress – Forever

by Sven Lehnert | Extensions, News, Special Deals, Useful Tools

TK Google Fonts PRO is now available! After we got so many feature requests and user feedback for our TK Google Fonts WordPress plugin, we have built ALL the cool options you asked for! You can set up pretty much the whole typography for your site easily from the WordPress Customizer. Set up font colors, font weight, and font sizes – even for different screen sizes – to make your website’s font look and fit great on all devices. Now also with settings for your site title, post titles, and page titles. Available from $4.99 per month.
Only for the first month of the product launch you can get:

LIFETIME Deal For $59 instead of $179

only valid until 07 August 2017   FREE 7-Day Trial Try it easy and risk-free!   Again, you’ll get the lifetime version, with lifetime support and updates, normal price $179.99, now for only $59. This is the price of one year annual subscription and you only pay it once and keep it all forever!  


Add and manage Google fonts with LIVE preview of the fonts in the WordPress backend.   Use the WordPress Customizer to setup your font options, all with LIVE preview of course!   See an example of font options, here for the WordPress Site Title:      


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