To continuously ensure that your marketing efforts are addressing the needs of your customers you need to ...
WordPress Magazine: BuddyForms Form Builder
Find helpful information about the BuddyForms Form Builder, such as How-Tos, relevant updates and new features!
BuddyForms is a Form Builder and Content Manager with a strong focus on User Generated Content. This plugin consists of Post Forms, Registration, and Profile Forms, which in turn empower you to create front end forms and user dashboards.
First off, what exactly is user generated content (UGC)? This is content that is created by your customers. It can ...
This is the first and final Beta of the new BuddyPress WC Vendors.
Nearly two months ago WooCommerce 3.0 was ...
You are a blogger or owner of an online magazine and want to allow other authors to contribute to your site in the ...
BuddyForms is a form builder plugin designed by Sven that is taking care of the whole process of generating ...
Today we are very excited to release the new 2.0.11 version of BuddyForms. The new version comes with a bunch of ...
A Formbuilder For The Next GenerationBuddyForms is here! A flexible and lightweight form builder plugin set for ...
BuddyForms is a content forms plugin, it's completely different from a traditional forms plugin such as ...
Are you using BuddyForms Ultimate Member for your community?
Let your members submit and manage any type of ...